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Augustinus, Aurelius:
Non est uestru scire tempora [...]



Non est uestrum scire tempora, quae pater posuit in sua potestate. post hanc tamquam in die septimo requiescet deus, cum eundem diem septimum, quod nos erimus, in se ipso deo faciet requiescere. de istis porro aetatibus singulis nunc diligenter longum est disputare; haec tamen septima erit sabbatum nostrum, cuius finis non erit uespera, sed dominicus dies uelut octauus aeternus, qui Christi resurrectione sacratus est, aeternam non solum spiritus, uerum etiam corporis requiem praefigurans. ibi uacabimus et uidebimus, uidebimus et amabimus, amabimus et laudabimus. ecce quod erit in fine sine fine. nam quis alius noster est finis nisi peruenire ad regnum, cuius nullus est finis?


"It is not for you to know the times which the Father has set in his own power." At the end of this age, too, God will rest on the seventh day, in that he will let this very day that we are, rest in himself. To deal here in more detail with these individual ages would lead too far; but this seventh age will be our Sabbath, the end of which will not be evening, but as the eternal eighth day the day of the Lord, sanctified by Christ's resurrection, and representative of the rest not only of spirit but also of body. We will celebrate and look, look and love, love and praise. Yes verily it will be so without end at the end. Because that is our ultimate goal, to reach a kingdom that has no goal set by an end.


Augustinus, Aurelius


S. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis episcopi Opera tomis vndecim comprehensa [Tomus 5]: De Civitate Dei, liber XXII; col. 1552




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