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Josephus, Flavius:
Testimonium Flavianum



Es hat auch zur selbigen zeit gelebt/Jhesus/eyn sehr weiser Mann/so sich anders zimet/
daß man ihn eynen Mann nennet/dann er vil wunder Werck gethan/ unnd eyn Lehrer deren
gewesen/so die warheyt gern annemmen/und hat heyd von Juden unnd Heyden sehr vil nach-
uolger gehabt. Diser war Christus/welchen hernach auff anklag der Fürnemmesten unter un-
serm Volck Pilatus zum Creutz verurtheylt hat. Doch seind die jehnigen/so ihn erstlich ange-
fangen lieb zu haben/mit nichten von ihm abgefallen/Dann er ihnen am tritten tag/wie denn
die Propheten auß Göttlicher eingebung von ihm/ beyd dises unnd sonst vil wunderbarlichs
dings/geweissagt haben/widerumb lebendig erschinen ist/unnd wäret auch noch auff den heuti
gen tag der Christen Geschlächt/welche von ihm also genennet worden.


About this time Jesus lived, a wise man, if you can call him a man at all. For he was the performer of incredible deeds and the teacher of all people who gladly received the truth. So he drew to himself many Jews and also many Gentiles. This was the Christ. And although Pilate condemned him to death on the cross at the instigation of the nobles of our people, his former followers were not unfaithful to him. For he appeared to them alive again on the third day, as prophets sent by God had foretold this and a thousand other wonderful things about him. And to this day the people of Christians who call themselves after him continue.


Josephus, Flavius


Flavius Josephus - Jüdische Altertümer 18, 63-64




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