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Augustinus, Aurelius:
[Mulier] Quia non est imago Dei.



Filius verò Dei ideo natus est, vt per ipsum fieret creatura. In eo ergo dissimilis est. Nam de Deo Deus natus est, de viro autem fœmina: quia illic simplicitas est, & non potuit nisi de simplici simplex nasci spiritus de spiritu, Deus de Deo: igitur vir imago Dei est. Sic etenim scriptum est, [Et fecit Deus hominem, ad imaginem Dei fecit eum.] Vnde Apostolus, [vir quidem, inquit, non debet velare caput, cùm sit imago & gloria Dei: mulier autem velet caput.] quare? Quia non est imago Dei.


So the true Son of God was born so that through him the creature could be made. So there it is different. For God is born of God, but woman is of man: it is quite simple and cannot be simplified any further: Spirit is simply born of spirit, and God of God: therefore man is the image of God. Indeed it is written. [And God made man, in the image of God he created him.] Hence the apostle, [he says indeed that a man ought not to cover his head, as he is the image and glory of God; but a woman must cover her head.] Why? Because she is not the image of God.


Augustinus, Aurelius


S. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis episcopi Opera tomis vndecim comprehensa [Tomus 4]:
Quaestiones Ex Veteri Testamento. p. 431 C1
(≙ Questionum ex utroque mixtum, Pars secunda, p. 490 A2)




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