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Augustinus, Aurelius:
Consummatum est.



Cùm ergo accepisset Iesus acetũ, dixit: Cõsummatum est. Quid, nisi quod prophetia tanto antè [tempore] prædixerat? Deinde quia nihil remanserat, quod antequam moreretur, fieri, adhuc oporteret, tanquam ille qui potestatem habebat ponendi animã suam, & iterum sumendi eam: peractis omnibus quæ vt peragerentur exspectabat, Inclinato capite tradidit spiritum. Quis ita dormit, quando voluerit, sicut Iesus mortuus est, quando voluit? Quis ita vestem ponit quando voluerit, sicut se carne exuit quando voluit? Quis ita cùm voluerit † abit, quomodo * cùm voluit, obiit? Quanta speranda vel timenda potestas est iudicantis, si apparuit tanta morientis?


When Jesus received the vinegar, he said, It is finished. What if not what the prophecy foretold so long ago? Then, when there was nothing left to do but die, as the one who has the power to lay down his soul and take it back: after they had done everything he asked them to do, he breathed out the ghost with his head bowed. Just as one sleeps when he wants, so did Jesus die when he wanted? Just as one puts on his clothes when he pleases, so he took off his flesh when he chose? Just as someone goes away when he wants, so did he die when he wanted? What is to be hoped or feared from the power of the judge when so much has appeared to the dying?


Augustinus, Aurelius


S. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis episcopi Opera tomis vndecim comprehensa [Tomus 9]:
Expositiones Augustini in Evangelium Ioannis, Tractatus CXIX,6, p. 226.




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