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Iusiurandum Hippocratis



(1) Apollinem medicum et Aesculapium Hygeamque ac Panaceam iuro deosque omnes itemque deas testes facio me hoc ius iurandum et hanc contestationem pro viribus et iudicio meo integre servaturum esse:

(2) Praeceptorem, qui me hanc edocuit artem, parentum loco habiturum, vitam communicaturum eaque, quibus opus habuerit, impertiturum; eos hanc item, qui ex eo nati sunt, pro fratribus masculis iudicaturum artemque hanc, si discere voluerit, absque mercede et pacto edocturum, praeceptionum ac auditionum reliquaeque totius disciplinae participes facturum, tum meos, tum praeceptoris mei filios, immo et discipulos, qui mihi scripto caverint et medico iure iurando addicti fuerint, alium vero praeter hos nullum.

(3) Ceterum quod ad aegros attinet sanandos, diaetam ipsis constitutam pro facultate et iudicio meo commodam, omneque detrimentum et iniuriam ab eis prohibebo.

(4) Neque vero ullius preces apud me adeo validae erunt, ut cuipiam venenum sim propinaturus neque etiam ad hanc rem consilium dabo. Similiter autem neque mulieri talum vulvae subditicium ad corrumpendum conceptum vel fetum dabo. Porro caste et sancte vitam et artem meam conservabo.

(5) Nec vero calculo laborantes secabo, sed viris chirurgiae operariis eius rei faciendae locum dabo.

(6) In quascumque autem domus ingrediar, ob utilitatem aegrotantium intrabo, ab omnique iniuria voluntaria inferenda et corruptione cum alia, tum praesertim operum veneriorum abstinebo, sive muliebria sive virilia, liberorumve hominum aut servorum corpora mihi contigerint curanda.

(7) Quaecumqeu vero inter curandum videro aut audivero, immo etiam ad medicandum non adhibitus in communi hominum vita cognovero, ea, siquidem efferre non contulerit, tacebo et tamquam arcana apud me continebo.

(8) Hoc igitur ius iurandum mihi integre servanti et non confundenti contingat et vita et arte feliciter frui et apud omnes homines in perpetuum gloriam meam celebrari. Transgredienti autem et peieranti his contraria eveniant.


(1) I swear, calling Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panakeia and all the gods and goddesses as witnesses, that I will, to the best of my ability and judgment, fulfill this oath and obligation:

(2) the one who taught me the art of respecting my parents as equals, sharing my living with them and providing for them when they were in need; to make his descendants equal to my brothers and, if they wish, to teach them this art without pay and without contract; To communicate advice and lectures and all other instructions to my sons and my teacher's sons, as well as to the students who, according to medical custom, are bound by the contract and bound by the oath, but to no one else.
(3) I will make my prescriptions for the benefit and piousness of the sick, to the best of my ability and judgment; I will protect them from harm and arbitrary injustice.

(4) I will not administer or even advise anyone to administer a deadly poison, even at their request. I will also never give a woman an abortifacient. I will keep my life and my art holy and pure.

(5) I will also not operate on the bladder stone, but will leave it to those whose business this is.

(6) Whatever houses I enter, I will enter for the benefit and piousness of the sick, abstaining from all arbitrary injustice and all other harm, including all acts of lust on the bodies of women and men, free and slave.

(7) What I see or hear during treatment or in people's lives outside of treatment, as long as it is not allowed to be revealed, I will keep quiet and consider it a secret.

(8) If I now fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may I be granted success in life and art and fame among all people for everlasting times; if I transgress it and commit perjury, the opposite.




Hippocrates: Iusiurandum
[in: Hippocratis Coi Medicorum Omnium Longe Principis, Opera quae ad nos extant omnia. p. 3]




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